What kind of steel do Gator Hooks work on?
Most any thin steel that is commonly found in a home, garage, workshop, office, warehouse, storage shed walls, etc.
Examples include: Toolboxes, steel cabinets, racks, workshop tables, freezer, refrigerator, steel doors, furnace, washing machine, dryer, steel vehicles, tractor, file cabinets, lockers, and many more.
What thickness is required for the magnet hooks to work?
Our Gator Magnetics Hook technology is designed to work on thin steel like 18 ga., which is the average thickness of a toolbox. It can work on most any thickness of steel.
What do Gator Hooks not work on?
Aluminum surfaces will not accept a magnetic force & Higher grades of stainless steel do not accept a magnetic force.
How should I prepare a steel surface to get the most out of my Gator Hook?
Best performance will occur when the surface is wiped with a rubbing alcohol to clean off any grease or residue, and air dried.
How can a Gator Hook hold so much weight?
You can learn about the technology here.
What is your return policy/warranty?
We have a free “no questions asked” return and refund policy within 60 days of purchase. We have a 12-month warranty on all products and will replace hooks that do not perform as described.